Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Post Election Prayer

As I am writing this, the election numbers are still rolling in.  Polls are about to close in California, and there's uncertainty in both camps.  Both candidates have done their best in convincing the American people of their qualifications to lead these great United States.  I pray that both will do their best, win or lose, in working for a brighter future where justice and peace is the rule of the land.  And so, with these thoughts in mind, I'd like to offer this prayer for our country.
Dear Heavenly Father, in your infinite love for humanity, you have given us your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, as the loving model for all leaders.  Bless our leaders with wisdom and love for all, especially those most vulnerable and weakest in our society.  Give all of us the strength and courage to work through our differences with understanding and care for the common good.  Most of all, help us to live out our mandate of always placing you first in our life and give us the heart to love all of your children, especially those that challenges our beliefs and lifestyle.  In all this, we ask our dear Blessed Mother Mary, and all the Saints, to intercede for us in these time of needs, through your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, in the unity of one God, forever and ever.  Amen.

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