Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Agnostics more Christian than Catholics?

The Openers column for the November 13, 2011 issue of Our Sunday Visitor prompted me to look up this homily from Pope Benedict XVI delivered on September 25, 2011 (http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/benedict_xvi/homilies/2011/documents/hf_ben-xvi_hom_20110925_freiburg_en.html):
 "...it is not words that matter, but deeds, deeds of conversion and faith....  agnostics, who are constantly exercised by the question of God, those who long for a pure heart but suffer on account of their sin, are closer to the Kingdom of God than believers whose life of faith is “routine” and who regard the Church merely as an institution, without letting it touch their hearts, or letting the faith touch their hearts."
I've recently encountered a few agnostics that lived up to the Pope's perspective.  These agnostics live their life in such an altruistic way that I'm almost shamed by my own lack of will to live out the Gospel message.  I said "almost" because I know of a few Christians that are truly living saints, and those are my model and hope for me and our Church at large.
So, in recognizing my own weak willed desire to truly follow the example of Jesus, I pray that Christ will give me the strength and courage to embrace the cross of humility, letting go of my attachments to entertainment, instant gratification, self-absorbed pride, digital idols, laziness, and a bunch of other worldly devices that constantly drag me away from my walk with Christ.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Adoring Friday

Is this the good life?  I really can't complain since I'm writing this in front of the Blessed Sacrament.  This week have been a whirlwind of activities, and I'm glad to be winding down in adoration.  I really wanted to lay all my concerns down at the feet of Jesus, but somehow I always seems to re-focus on what I need to do to resolve the situations that have been on my mind.  Here are some random thoughts floating around my head (I guess if I write them down, they'll be grounded and I'll be less distracted):  the catechist presentation, the Costa Mesa lot, praying for Rose, Rosalie, John; cohousing ideas, community expansion, groupwise user moves, backup vm, creating new vm, storage, ...
All this and the sniffle, too.  I don't know the reason why but every time the weather changes, I get the runny nose.  Am I allergic to the weather?
Thank you, Jesus.  I am glad you are here with me now.  I hear the rain outside and I am reminded how blessed I am to be here.  Help me to walk humbly and with a contrite heart.  I want to be your instrument of peace.  Quiet my heart and mind so that you can show me your way.